This is how it all started…

Long before the Moon River community had a Facebook page, I thought of a local circulation of news and social events primarily for this hamlet. Never happened.

Years later came a Moon River Community FB page. I thought, “Hmmm, maybe we’ll have our ‘local rag’ after all to report worthwhile, important truth and news without a lot of undue censorship.” What could be more useful? Never happened.

I joined the page and was quickly, decisively disappointed. Cats weren’t my bag and I was even censored because bagged cats weren’t their bag. Too disturbing and controversial. Truth, fair coverage, and social and political objectivity were no-no’s if the socialistic administrators and audience weren’t happy with submissions, especially those not having the fear of God. This cat had to move on. They think he’s a dog.

Only this week, on May 7, 2024, I posted a comment on the Moon River Community FB page about how truth and falsehood would always be made known sooner or later. And how we reap what we sow as an inviolable Law.

Here’s my “offending” post:

There’s nothing hidden that won’t be made manifest. That’s what Jesus said. That’s what wisdom says. One gets away with nothing. All liars will be found out and they will pay for their sins, many times over. It’s Law, and those unfamiliar with God’s Laws must suffer the sure and painful results of their dirty secrets.

Now, on the flip side, all those speaking the Truth will be exonerated. Evil generates evil, always, but Good and Truth will always generate good in due time.”

It was a statement of reality prompted by a brief video interview I saw of Kevin O’Leary who expressed similar laws and principles on Fox News: (without mention of Jesus, sin, and wisdom). Kevin’s subject centered on the masked pro-Hamas demonstrators, whose actions would one day backfire with technology enabling them to be identified.

At least three community members took issue with it, one of those was Kyla DeBoer, to whom I will refer later. Two others objecting were Moon River residents and FB Page Community members, Raymond Huppee and Janice Amann. An educated guess would be that there would be several other objectors if my post hadn’t been quickly deleted.

Yes, my post was deleted. This was without my violating any community guidelines that I’m aware of. Still, my speech wasn’t welcome on Moon River Community’s Facebook page.

Emailing hasn’t been a great option either. It was a bit annoying for some sensitive faultfinders who had things to hide, dignity to uphold, privacy to guard, and fears to nurse. Something else was needed. Then, one of us “vigilantes” who deal in Truth had what we considered a wonderful idea!

How about using recent technology to disseminate information that gives new meaning to “drive-by shootings”? People will be free to take screenshots of the sign with the QR code and read at their leisure.

Readers are free to debate and prove me wrong. I’ll leave the floor open for free discussion. I won’t leave it open for people who have more passion than goodwill and common sense. So, if you wish to participate, earn the right to do so with civility over brute behavior, and factual truth over opinion. That’s all I’m asking for. Nowadays, it seems, that’s a tall order.

If I’m misinformed, please tell me so, and hopefully, I’ll have the decency to correct it. Let’s have the truth now.

Topics of discussion will be the paddock problems and solutions, personal, social, and moral conflicts in the community, and historical problems that, when ignored, grew into troublesome situations. We can learn from history, and if we don’t, we repeat it. And the next time the cost is higher.

Victor Hafichuk
May 11, 2024


Issue #1: Taking Down the Dirty Laundry

You’ll see I’ve written a substantial document. I expect some of you’ll be interested in reading it. I doubt many of you will be able to put it down until you’ve red it all. It is important, informative, historical, interesting, […]


Issue #2: Straight From the Horse’s Mouth

Before continuing with the horse paddock debacle of Moon River, a reminder that the paddocks aren’t the primary focus of the Moon River Monocle. The issue is the selfishness and polite hatred of neighbors prevalent in the world. I’ve witnessed and […]


Issue #3: And What About the Horses?

Don’t get me started (or please do!) on cruelty to animals and their natural rights. Here we have the horse, an intelligent, gregarious, sensitive animal with a natural herding instinct and desire for the company of both two and four-legged […]


Issue #4: A Neighbor’s Version of Good Neighborly Relations

I’ve tried to befriend my backyard neighbors. They know it…and I found they contemned the thought. There always seemed to be something unspoken between us I couldn’t put my finger on. They would give me a perfunctory greeting when we would […]


Issue #5: Some Good News Indeed

On Tuesday, May 29, 2024, Moon River residents had their Annual General Meeting (AGM). I have some good news to announce from that meeting. I may not be all wine and roses, but neither am I all thorns and tears, […]


Issue #6: The Clash of Good and Evil Righteousnesses

“Have I now become your enemy because I am telling you the truth?” (Galatians 4:16 NLT) Another good day of results via The Moon River Monocle. As expected, there are people offended by what I’ve had to say. I knew […]

1 comment

Issue #7: Historical Challenges at Moon River Estates

Stephen Harris, I’m coming full circle with you since 1989 when you pondered, as I recall, who I was and what I believed I was here to do. Perhaps you’ve forgotten. I haven’t. I was surprised at your acute interest. […]


Issue #8: Sacrificing Your Children on the Altar of Ego

The religious “God-fearing,” churchgoers are among the most hateful of all those who oppose God, presuming to love Him when the very opposite is true. The most partisan of them are the worst of all, as were the Pharisees and […]

1 comment

Issue #9: The Authority of The Son

John 5:19-47 (GNB) (19) So Jesus answered them, “I tell you the truth: the Son can do nothing on His own; He does only what he sees His Father doing. What the Father does, the Son also does. (20) For […]


Issue #10: Vindication (Part 1)

Concerning the Essence of My Altercation with Betty and Dell Benson of Moon River Estates As many people at Moon River may know, I came into great conflict with the Bensons in the early 2020s, which they immediately reported by […]


Issue #11: Vindication (Part 2)

In Part One of Vindication, I reported some social interactions I had with Betty Benson and the controversy that arose between us about the Bible and Its Authority as a Trustworthy Document and Sure Witness of the Lord Jesus Christ. […]


Issue #12: Vindication (Part 3)

The previous Issue #11, Vindication (Part 2) ended with quoting Dell and Betty’s 2020 Moon River Estates Community FB posts. I’ll now address their erroneous thinking, public false accusations, misinformation, slander, and defamation. I will also permit the Bensons and […]


Issue #13: Vindication (Part 4)

Marilyn and I have found ourselves in a spiritual battleground in the Heavens, a war between good and evil, Truth and falsehood, two opposing righteousnesses, God’s and man’s, with each claiming justification. This battle scene has been waged at Moon […]


Issue #14: Vindication (Part 5)

In this issue are revealed the fallacies of the remarks Betty-Lynn Benson made on the 2020 MRC FB page post. Again, I remind everyone that this is all about two righteousnesses at war, one good and one evil, the True, […]


Issue #15: Vindication (Part 6)

In the last issue, I began to reply to Betty Benson’s public Facebook post on the Moon River Community FB page against me. I continue to address the rest of it now. But before we continue, I’d like to make […]


Issue #16: An Offense Against God, the Community, and Me

My apologies to all. I’m breaking promises again, it seems. Angela Suntjens is put on the back burner again, though I intend to post more on her soon. Meanwhile, I’d like to report on another incident people in Moon River […]


Issue #17: Be Sure Your Sin Will Find You Out

For those of you who have already red this issue there has been an update here. The purpose of the Moon River Monocle is to speak God’s Mind and alert my neighbors and others of wrongdoing and wrong thinking. It […]


Issue #18: Angela Suntjens – What Are Neighbors?

Continuation of ISSUE #5, “Some Good News Indeed.” What are neighbors? Are they those who merely live in proximity? Or are they, according to Jesus and the Scriptures, fellow human beings we’re to love as ourselves? Are they strangers or […]


Issue #19: Am I Your Enemy?

“Have I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” (Galatians 4:16). It is a verse from the Bible. The apostle Paul was rebuking the people for believing lies others were telling them and they didn’t like his […]


Issue #20: Past Prophecy Preserved for the Present

Particle – Past Prophecy Preserved for the Present An excerpt from my Theo-autobiography, wHaT tHe LoRd HaS dOnE wItH Me, with Psalm 35 added: I then went downstairs to pray and begged God to give me a Word. This was April 2, 2000. […]